I need a Calming Draught!


Okay guys before you read on, just answer this one question!
Are you satisfied with the way things turn out in HP Canon?
if your answer is yes, you might as well skip reading right now, but if you are not satisfied, well, let just say I and you are kindred spirits.

Honestly, no offence to Madame Rowling, but is it just me who thinks that She created her magical Britain Universe in such a way that the characters lack a lot of common sense,and then furnished their lacking with magical power? Honestly, it seems the more the magical power in a person, the more “stupid” are his/her actions in the story. Dumbledore and Voldemort are main examples. This fact is reinforced to such an extent that one might safely conclude that magicals lack common-sense.
What do you guys say?

This post is not going to bash and single-out one single character.(Those posts will come later on 😛 )
I cannot believe the levels of idiocy in some situations. I mean, Dumbledore wanted Harry to grow-up in a “safe” situation away from magicals, also ensuring that he didn’t get a big-head about his fame. So he sends him away to the Dursleys in a basket without any proper care and chaeck-up for ten years.And he is Harry’s legal guardian! And that man is supossed to be an educator and a headmaster! Sheesh!

Harry comes up into dangerous situations trying to save his loved ones, giving a shit about his personal life and safety, and people call it his “gryffindor bravery and selflessness”. Isn’t it more accurate in saying that it is his lack of self-worth and self-preservation due to the Dursley-torture showing it’s effect? I mean, for a boy who knew his name was “freak” till the age of six, I believe my theory makes much more sense. What do you say?




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